
v0.10: Released 02/26/2022

Thanks so much, everyone for your reviews, and positive feedback! Below are some of the changes that have been implemented in v.10!

  • Updated project to be used with Unity's Collab feature for better version control
  • Replaced WebGL's fullscreen button at the bottom of the page with the fullscreen button
    • WebGL's full-screen functionality caused the UI to become extra-large and was unplayable for most.
  • Updated reference resolution from 600x900 to 1920x1080
  • Reduce size from 600x900 to 350x550
  • *Possible change* Pretty sure Mobile will work with this update, will have to test more. 
  • Added 100+ new names to the Employee name pool
  • Added 30+ new hobbies to the Employee Hobbie pool
    • Removed "have been with the office for 20 years!" from the Hobbie pool.
  • Employee Update
    • Each Employee has an ID Card. You can view their ID Card by tapping on the employee. On the card, you can view information about that employee as well as their Employee Statistics.
    • Employee Statistics
      • Employment Length: How long the employee has been with the company
      • Initiative: How often the employee takes initiative to do things. An employee's initiative will increase or decrease the department's productivity. 
      • Enthusiasm: How excited the employee is to be at work. Higher enthusiasm will increase or decrease a department's morale.
      • Corruption: How corrupt an employee is towards the office. This alter's good or bad thing's that the employee does while at work. 
    • Employees can now be fired
      • On the Employee ID Card, is a "Fire" button. Using this will remove that employee from the office, opening up a slot to hire a new employee in their place. 
    • Note: At this time, you are unable to fire Pam the receptionist - This is due to an oversight with the way I set up the departments. However, due to this - Pam will have guaranteed the best employee stats as a result.

v0.9: Released 01/24/2022

  • Added a 5-second cooldown to the ability "Hire an employee"
    • There was a conflict with the Tick system causing an employee to be skipped if multiple were hired within one second. The best way to correct within the time constraints of the jam was to add a cooldown to the ability
  • A number of spelling and grammar fixes.


  • Added 11 new sprites with animations.
  • Changed all fonts from default to PressStart2P
  • Decreased font size in multiple areas, as PressStart2P is a larger font by default.
  • Removed the word "Department" from the Department Name at the top of the screen.
  • Changed "Information Technology" department to "IT" department.
  • A number of spelling and grammar fixes.
  • Changed Action buttons to a more retro feel so it matches the art.
  • Fixed Hire order for rows 2, 3, and 4 in each department. They now correctly hire in order from Left to Right and not Right to Left.
  • Removed a song that was causing issues when chosen at random.
  • Fixed an issue causing the emoji to be enabled by default when a new employee was hired
  • Fixed an issue causing Accounting's income to not be added to Total Money


  • The receptionist department now has income
  • One random department has its morale decreased by 1% every tick, rather than all departments.
  • Reduced the cooldown of "Offer Bonus Incentive" from 60s to 30s
  • Added employee hobbies
    • Employees now have unique hobbies for added personality. Player's can learn about an employee by tapping on them
  • Added an Emoji icon for employee events to make it easier to tell which employee should be clicked on
  • "Something Is Happening" text is now a bold red to symbolize the importance of an event occurring


  • Changed Morale, and Productivity to be percentage values rather than numbers
  • Added animations for employees
    • Idle, Good Event, Bad Event
  • Added background music
  • Added toggle button in the top right to Mute/Un-Mute the background music


  • Added a Reception department, because what is an office without a receptionist
  • Added placeholder functionality to ability's Five and Six
    • Ability five: Increases morale
    • Ability six: Increases productivity


  • Added functionality for Ability four
    • Ability four: Hire new employee - Costs money, but hires a new employee for the department being looked at (Active Department)
    • Increases income by 1

v0.0 - v0.3

  • Creation of the base game loop
    • Office Management Virtual Pet Game
    • Morale decreases over time
    • Player manages office by increasing morale
    • Money accumulates over time based on the number of employees. If morale is zero, the department generates no income.

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